Yes, I agree with you.
Well, there are CofE Ecclesiastical Courts, Sharia Courts, etc., and I believe that some other cultish groups have 'Oversight Committees' and the like to enforce their rules. I suspect that there are similar issues within other religions, where matters are suppressed to make the religion appear clean. Amish, probably and almost certainly some Muslim communities who take things even further with ;honour killings'. But JWs choose to operate in the wider (particularly Western) world.
I didn't AFAIK deal with any abuse cases involving JWs (but I didn't know much about them then). I can, however, say that if I came across any person who had hindered or otherwise sought to stop a victim reporting abuse I would have arrested that person on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Whether they were later charged or not, I found that being arrested tended to make people consider their position.